
Our generation lives within waste and evolution. The food we eat is processed, the air we breathe is dirty, and our lives are unhealthy. A rise in terminal diseases made a health management degree nothing to scoff at, for people’s lives have become forfeit in this world of ours where cancer is quite common. Colon cancer, especially, seems to be spreading steadily, especially among men.

Read More about cancer.

To help you find out if you have colon cancer prematurely, here are 7 early signs of colon cancer.


skin cancer

It is normal to be constipated at times. However, there are some cases in which it cannot be considered as only bowel movement problems. If you are feeling pain during defecation, and it is accompanied by constipation, a colon cancer home test is advised, after which you must visit your doctor post haste.

Pain in the abdomen

colon cancer screening

While abdominal pain is certainly common, there are times when it could be a harbinger of something worse to come. There are cases where you could be suffering from ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, and, sometimes, even colon cancer.

Read More about colon cancer screening.


cancer treatment centers of america

We find diarrhea on the other end of the spectrum of digestive tract disorders. While it is all good and well to suffer from diarrhea at times, either due to eating certain foods or having allergies, it is important to notice the signs. For example, should you not eat any foods that do not cause diarrhea or trigger your allergies and bowel movements, yet suffer from diarrhea nonetheless, you have to visit the doctor for a colon cancer check-up.


cancer research

Colon malfunctions cause the body to burn through its supplies of nutrients to maintain its optimal functionality, for the colon requires said nutrients to function, and it needs more since it is not working as it usually should. As such, it is to be expected that you would feel a wave of fatigue overwhelming you at times due to the energy sapped by the colon. This could lead to insomnia, lethargy, and so on.

Colon cancer is nothing to scoff at. Thousands of people are diagnosed with colon cancer every year in the United States alone, with over 30% passing away due to late diagnosis or lack of diagnosis while they are still alive. At 40, men are encouraged to undergo a colonoscopy to stay alert.

Bloody stool

One day, you might look in your toilet bowl and find blood. At first, do not freak out at first, for it is common. However, should it persevere for a very long time, you must visit your doctor, for bloody stool, at worst, is a symptom of colon cancer.


colon cancer
Gas is synonymous with digestive tract disorders. Some are rather mild, while others are more along the serious lane. It can range from inflammation, and intestinal movement, to colon cancer. It is important to know that some foods cause aid gas to form. Should you avoid such foods, yet suffer from gas nonetheless, make sure to visit your doctor as soon as possible to discuss possible colon cancer treatment options.

Sudden weight loss

lung cancer

Unintentional weight loss of ten pounds or more within six months or less can be an early warning sign for many different types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. Weight loss occurs in combination with cancer because the presence of cancer cells can release substances into the body that change the way food is absorbed. Weight loss can also result from a blockage in the colon when the tumor has grown large enough, which will affect bowel movements and weight.

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